Tornado fans for cooling towers
Venteco company has experienced in engineering and cooling fans supplying over 15 years. Professional engineers who have well-grounded knowledge have collaborated with us since the very establishment of the company proposing their equipment for usage into our fans, and thereby it additionally proves our experience.
Tight direct collaboration between Venteco engineers and engineers of factories that produce gearboxes, impellers, composite drive shafts, motors and other parts allows to offer you technically accurate and secure engineering solutions for fan designing.
We offer you a huge range of cooling fans with a diameter of 400 mm to 20.000 mm.
Amongst them:
- axial fans with composite impellers;
- axial fans with aluminum impellers;
- cooling tower fans for SK400 and SK1200;
- vertical fans;
- fans for drying sections and grain-dryers.
The above list might be extended by means of execution:
- explosion-proof;
- resistant to chemicals;
- resistant to temperature;
- ultra quite.
The main advantages of Venteco fans are reliability, productivity warranted and energy efficiency which are resulted due to the newest engineering achievements of our partners that we use.
Venteco company is willing to take the challenge to engineer and implement your complex and unordinary fan drafts. Our fans supplied will meet your highest requirements and help with your ideas realization.
If you would like to submit a proposal for consideration simply submit a quote
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Warehouse and transport logistics

Spare parts supply

Measurement and elimination of vibrations

Performance measurement of fans

Repair of reducers

Repair of impellers and diffusers

Annual maintenance of fans

Installation and commissioning of fan units